Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Matt Bua’s Talking Walls, with their feet in the water

              (even if snakes don’t have feet).

Great Serpents, remember now, 
Live in the Underwater or Underground World,
Travel in the streams that flow both under the ground and above,
Travel upward to the high places to battle the Thunder (Lightning?) Beings.
Lightening Fires, water and weather, and a never-ending cycle of Renewal,
Sacred Fires on Sacred Landscapes, Sacred Stones in the Great "Rock Garden,"
At the Eastern Gate of Turtle Island...

Matt Bua’s photos of Hopeskillian Rows of Stones (with Snake Tails in the Water),
Slabs of stone mixed with polished river "rock" flowing snake-like up into the high bedrock
Remind me of the Lion’s Woods Rows of Stones near Cranberry Pond
Where Serpent Stones traces the edges and connections of a Cranberry Garden
Where water flows, where the Serpent’s voice is heard like a Sacred Song
At the Eastern Gate of Turtle Island...

1 comment:

  1. "We have seen that notion in the word 'dragon goes back to the beginning of recorded human thoughts about the mysteries of the thinker and his world. It is connected with the powers and doings of the earliest gods, and like them is vague, changeable and contradictory in its attributes, maintaining from first to last only one definable characteristic- association with and control of water. This points usmistakably to its birth in a land where water is the most important thing in nature to human existence- the essential requisite, indeed, for life and happiness. "
    From :Dragons And Dragonlore, Ernest Ingersoll, 1928
