
Sunday, February 18, 2018

Seniors and Stones (Watertown CT)

 “…I’d say that while many stone features have been destroyed, there are still thousands left. They are hiding in our back yards, in our state forests, along our waterways — everywhere in plain sight."
Lisa McLoughlin

    Sometimes, I find, some stone features do actually show up pretty good on some of these LiDar images I tickle up. I could never get a good image of the unrecognized Ceremonial Stone Landscape features up in my old childhood neighborhood, all these trees blocking the view: 
     Accessing the Lidar images at, some of the old rows of stones stand out enough for me to match up photos of features that I am sure have probably been designated and identified as “abandoned” stone walls composed of stones removed from post-colonial agricultural fields:
I can flip north for south and stick in some labels:
I'd have to go back and field check the exact location of this one in the distance, to the south and east of that row of stones, before the backyards begin, probably just into a protected wetland area where many more boulders are resting places for other certain stones all along the edge of this riparian zone:
An interesting boulder and stones, 
a Serpent-like streak of white quartz above a another face-like inclusion of quartz...
For more see: 
A few other posts about the same place:

    I just found out that the “Magnolia Development Company, LLC, wants to build a 35,500-square-foot, three-story assisted living facility on (these) 10 undeveloped acres between 639 and 669 Straits Turnpike, located behind Labonne’s Market and Hylie Products. The development would have between 76 and 90 apartments. Stop & Shop currently owns the parcel...”

    I doubt very much if a Tribal Historic Preservation Officer has been contacted to comment about the developement - and take it for granted that the "stone walls" and "field clearing piles" aren't considered to be of any great importance...

My best guess is that this is a Light colored (Quartzite?) Boulder
with a stone Moose Head Effigy on it,
perhaps a place to burn tobacco before a hunt...

Quote from Lisa McLoughlin taken from Link to the article on No Fracked Gas in Mass.

    Protective Strategies for Ceremonial Stone Structures:

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