
Friday, April 01, 2016

Roadside Rhomboid

    It didn’t catch my eye at first as I drove by, obscured by the tree, but there it is, a Rhomboidal Stone in a stone wall, close to the end of a stone wall by an older house in a nearby town:
    “Big deal,” I can hear you say. “So what?”
    “Well step back and walk a few steps over to somebody’s driveway,” I say, “Take a look at where it is, how that stone wall ends in a big triangular boulder that was one of two boulders that did catch my attention.”
   There’s the other boulder on the left of the somewhat disturbed end of the stone wall:

     Drive up the road a little, angle around the Town Green and take a turn around the Historic Property that was home to the first Puritan Minister in town, stopping at an entrance to some Land Trust Property, look over at this wall:
    There you will find another stone wall that ends with a triangular boulder, this one perhaps humanly enhanced, maybe to more closely resemble the head of a snake (or a Great Serpent?), but also with another Rhomboidal Stone placed very close to the end of that stone wall:
    “Just coincidence,” you might say, but if you did say that I’d draw your attention to the other side of the gateway, to another Rhomboidal Stone quite near another boulder that may also have been humanly enhanced to more closely resemble the head of a snake, angled slightly toward the road (like the other two), placed as if looking at a person entering the space beyond the gate:
     Now if you ask me (or yourself if you prefer), who is more likely to do this - the Puritans who claimed Indians did not enclose land, I'd tell you (or you could research it yourself) that those first Puritan settlers who showed up sometime after 1659 in this area were not overly fond of Religious Iconography (visual images and symbols) or snakes, in particular the Serpent that shows up early on in the Bible. Indigenous People who have a history that goes back to the time the glaciers were retreating about 12 or 13 thousand years ago used and still use the rhomboid and snakes, especially the many forms of a Great Serpent, in their iconography in many forms of artwork, in particular the Great Serpent Mound, the largest snake effigy in the world, in what is now known as Ohio.

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