
Saturday, April 02, 2016

Near Whitemore Hill, New Ipswich NH

(And Viking News)
    I stumble back on a PWAX photo and immediately I'm thinking about Serpent Gateways: 

    I take a look at Bing maps – and you can too right here:
    And there’s too many evergreens to really see any stone walls clearly (the one right in the center, a youngish hemlock maybe, should have been my first clue)…
    Still I look around, notice the irregular non rectangular fields still in use, see some stone walls I’d look at more closely here and there, when this catches my eye:
    The southern two thirds of the photo is an obvious quarry of some sort – and I’ll guess sand, maybe natural gravel, a new hill being formed of dumped stone maybe on the left. It’s that stone wall on the opposite (north) side of that road that gets me. It’s big and it seems to remind me of a snake stretched across the landscape. I pan a little west and find this:
      Now if I had a million dollars, like Sarah Parcak, (“Last November, TED awarded Parcak a $1 million prize to develop a project to discover and monitor ancient sites,” as you may have read about here:, I might drive my RV up to this spot, look to see if I’d find some more Native American Iconography in that big row of stones (I think I would) and decide if I’d send an exploratory soil testing crew here, to just to see how long that stone wall has been there...


  1. Hi I live in New Ipswich, where is this. I will check it out if it is possible to do so.

  2. I can't pay you until after I win the $1 million, you understand...
