
Saturday, September 19, 2015

More about Evan's Open Letter

    Well, really I was just sort of joking about Stephanie Evan's Open letter.
{See: }
     I know that all the stuff she is talking about happens not just to her but many other archaeologists as well. And Ancient Aliens and America Unearthed, all those silly shows, must be actually making things worse. It's too bad that the big budgets of those TV shows funnels money into the off-shore accounts of those Pseudoscientist Con-Artists rather than funding reality-based research.
     Really I was just saying that even though I am observing a repeated pattern that I am more and more becoming increasingly aware of, I keep being classified as a kook - a "Connectikook" to be specific, as people who live along coastal Rhode Island call the summer tourists with CT plates on their vehicles.
   I just though my white-eyed Grey Great Serpent was a good example of what is either a snake-like geoglyph or a petroform of Indigenous origin rather than a Colonial stone fence. I should have added a couple photos of similar photos instead of just suggesting how to search the blog for more.
  I am not a geologist so I can't tell you what kind of stone that boulder above is, but as an artist I can tell you it is sort of triangular in shape, mostly greyish with a white streak  and a spot where somebody may have done something to make that spot more resemble an eye. The boulder is angled toward the road, slightly down hill, resting on another large stone, as if a large snake were looking directly at the person or persons entering this gap or gateway.
   I (or even you) could get into a car and drive for about ten minutes or so to another similar sort of boulder at the end of a stone wall at a gateway or gap in the same little town:

At another gap just north of there:

A third similar stone:
And a fourth located at possibly an old Indian trail bordered by two stone walls, commonly referred to as a "colonial cart path," farm ot timber road or sometimes even a "cow or cattle run: "

As in one of the enhanced photos above, a bowl-like stone that could possibly be a place for a shell with a smoldering tobacco offering by the gateway entrance:

Matt Howes in MA documented this one:
I enhanced the photo, overlaying horns, eyes and nostrils:

A Similar suspected 
I am finding that these gateways with this pattern can be very low and "sparse:"
Or very well made and tall:
Most surprising of all, I find this pattern in the stonework of my own home, located directly across from a Contact Period Indigenous Village, leading me to suspect that the retaining walls and entrances to the house and yard may be of Indigenous origin. Probably my best example of just one of many and the only one I can assign a date of construction to as sometime between 1659 when the first European settlers arrived and the "homelott" distribution of 1734: 
 An informed friend (a credentialed archaeologist and rock art specialist), via a recent email, notes that "the antiquity of the walls can only be demonstrated with more confidence by carefully excavating slot trenches next-to the walls, going down to their  bases, and then try ID the soil (i.e., by having a soil scientist doing it) and dating the soil (e.g., Optical Luminescence Spectrometry and/or Oxidizable Carbon Ratio). In the absence of such independently derived physical/contextual evidence, sticking only to historical and landscape evidence (important as they are) is not going to convince the skeptics."
(Above: image stolen from a possibly malicious website showing my friend whom I have never actually met in person standing by a  pictograph.)

Above and below: two examples of a  similar pattern in pictographs, anther form of Indigenous Rock Art, depicting two Uktena or Great Horned Serpents "head to head."

Another reason that the white eyed grey serpent photo seemed a good example is that one of the many names of the many Great and Horned Serpents of Indigenous myths and legends is "Uktena." In an earlier email, the same friend related to me that:  "According to Mooney (1900:458-459), the name Uktena is derived from akta, or eye, and implies being a “strong looker,” as everything is visible to it (i.e., it can see thoughts). From the same root is derived akta’tĭ, “to see into closely” which is also the Cherokee word for a magnifying lens and telescope. So the name Uktena implies that it sees thoughts and it does so in an accurate way; knowledge that comes in useful to predict enemy tactics..."

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