
Monday, February 05, 2024

Suddenly a Zigzag (MA/CT)


   Looking at an old post, I suddenly notice an “abandoned stonewall” might be a dreaded “zigzag stone wall.” With no further ground proofing, I decide to dive right into just another zigzag dissenter post:

  Well, yes it might be better defined (from a distance or a fuzzy enlarged photo) as appearing to be “serpentine,” but every popular stone wall book (or online lecture of a presentation on the YouTube) might say because it’s so very regular" and such “even” construction that it is probably most likely definitely without a doubt a “Yankee Farmer Wall.” The Colonialist Folk Tale states that zigzag stone walls are accidental creations, agricultural waste tossed against a wooden rail fence, sometime after 1620 in the howling pristine wilderness that became the "New England."

Above: Eric Sloane drawings.

 And yes, you might hear or read that the shape is used to distinguish a “farmer’s fence” from a “Native American Wall” by people who acknowledge the existence of Ceremonial Stone Landscape features, but here I am once again telling you: That carefully constructed zigzag is not the result of “field clearing stones thrown up against wooden rails that have long since rotted away."  

Nonnewaug Snake Effigy
A linear row that turns zigzag:

  These Big Stone Snakes may have functioned as fuel breaks on a fire-tended cultural landscape, a large scale garden – a rock garden, if you will – for a very long time. They are infused with, are alive with, the powers of the Great Serpents who have much to do with weather and water as well as lightning-set fires - or humanly set fires thermally pruning the landscape or protecting certain places from those fires, keeping the fires under control... 

  If this segment of stones was indeed shaped by Farmer William Nilly, then which side of the wooden fence was he tossing those stones?? Likely from the field above, right?? So, the uphill side, right?

And yes, I’m telling you again, “Look for the Snake Head.”

Old Post:

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