
Sunday, February 12, 2023

On the Long Way Home (Watertown CT)

 A Remnant of Indigenous Stonework of Undetermined Age


As I passed by this old Cape style house, I was pretty sure I'd never actually driven along the newish road that leads to all those big houses on former farm land to the north of this old house...

So I drove up it, just to see, and found I had to stop to look a little more closely at some stonework that remained on the landscape after the earth moving machines had "done their business."
 Yes there was, on that curve you see in the photo above, a bit of old barn foundation:
But there was also this, just to the right of that:
I'll often refer to the 1934 Aerial Photography in order to see if the stonework is visible:

I got some "long shots" of the stonework before taking some close ups (using the sections of sidewalk as a guide) and got to that white milky quartzy stone one may observe near the junction of these two structures we seem to call "stone walls" out of habit: 
A seeming coincidence struck me - I'd just recently seen a photo by Fisherman Dave McLean, an independent researcher with a great eye for probable Indigenous Iconography. I was reasonably sure that a snake was emerging from between the stones, just as sometimes occurs at certain split boulders:
(Above: for your small screens; below: for your larger screens...)

(Enhanced just a little for the human-like face:)

Cow and Apple Farms Days of 1934:

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