
Monday, March 16, 2020

A Glossary of Terms

     "Out of respect for accuracy, intention, cultural sensitivity and right of peoples to govern their self-narrative, Indigenous terms are here used to described things Indigenous. The term "cairn" is specifically Gaelic/Gailidh and properly applies to that cultural context. "Rock pile" was noted as inappropriate by the Deputy Tribal Historic Preservation Officer of the Narragansett at a 2017 conference, since relics are sacred and "regarded as grandfathers." Both preceding terms have been misapplied to Algonquian sacred relics, for which Indigenous, accurately descriptive terms are given below. Following is a glossary of terms in this article, "Assessing Stone Relics in Western Massachusetts Part II: Patterns of Site Distribution" by Rolf Cachat in the Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Connecticut, 2018.

anogkuéu kodtonquag(kash) - barely elevated low mound of concentric circles of smooth/round cobbles or very small stones, sometimes variable as pebbles without organized rings (Nipmeuw).
hasennnípaü "standing stone" (Nipmeuwsunś nipámu Narragansett).
Kingkiyungkômuk  - "upturned, upheaved district," southeast Shutesbury, northeast Pelham.
kodtonquag(kash)ceremonial stone grouping (káhtôquwuk, Narragansett), allegorically, a 'stone prayer.'
manito(u), manitoiwuk - a spirit being, of the spirit beings (a group, or some of the spirit beings).
máunumúet(ash) - place(s) of ceremonial gathering (ehenda mawewink, Lënapeuw, mawighunk, Mahhekanneuw). 

nípaü kodtonquag(kash) - stone groupings, either tabular or round stones, stacked in upright courses on top of boulder bases (Nipmeuw).
 níswonki - an enclosure, "three bends" (Nipmeuw, shwihwakuwi, Narragansett).
pettuteaonk "portal" (Nipmeuw), place of passage between layers of the world.
Sanàkkômuk - "difficult district," eastern Amherst, northwest Pelham, most of Shutesbury.
tauôhkômuk sacred lands, 'open' lands (tauéu, uninhabited, open, unclaimed, Nipmeuwehenda tauwundín'burial ground,' Lënapeuw).
tûnuppasuonk kodtonquag(kash) - turtle effigies in stone (Nipmeuw).
wawanaquassik -  honoring stones place (Mahhekanneok).

 Name of Algonquian nation + euw = name of Algonquian language (ex: Nipmeuw, Massachuseuw, Lënapeuw, also spelled Lunapeeuw).

Lënapeuk, Lënapeuw - Delawarean nations and languages as a whole.
Mahhekanneok - Mohican, Mahikan nations as a whole.
Nipmeuw, Nipmuk/Nipemaug - Nipmuc nations of five divisions: Nashaway, Quaboag, Quinnebessit, Wabaquassit, and Nipnet. 

"Let’s get one thing straight: you’re not in Scotland anymore.
They are not cairns (which he pronounced as “Karnz” and not “Karens”).”

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