
Sunday, December 08, 2019

A Very Large Serpentine Statue

    “Years before the Field Museum's 1960-61 archaeological excavations of the Hooper Ranch Pueblo (Martin et al. 1961) a very large serpentine statue, embellished with a pair of carved eyes, nostrils, a "blow hole," and a slightly smiling mouth (Figure 12) was removed from the site (Knight 2012). The features of this massive ancient effigy are reminiscent of those found on effigies of the Great Water Serpent, Quetzalcoatl, in meso-America (Figure 13), and of the physical characteristics of the great North American water serpent god, called "Kolowisi" by theZuni people (Figure 14),
 and Palulukang by the Hopi, to which they directed their prayers for the blessings of rain and snow. For many years, this carved stone effigy was on public displayoutside of the Becker Mercantile Company in Springerville, Arizona (Figure 15). Certainly, the size of this statue indicates that it was very important to the ancient people who created it. However, its existence was either unknown or ignored by the archaeologists who excavated the Hooper Ranch Pueblo site, as they make no mention of it in their site reports… 

   ....Nearby lay a very large snake effigy, suggestive of the Hopi god Baloolookong and the Snake Dance prayer for water. The close physical association of these unique items, along with the Pueblo's wide array of pottery, and its purposeful orientation with the Sun Dagger Shine, indicates that this was no ordinary site…”

"The Quetzalcoatl icon is shared throughout all the Americas and I think it is interesting to ponder whether it came from North America and traveled south, or vice versa, or from Central and moved out. Depending on what I read the answer seems different. I’m tending think that these ideas came uniformly from the West, over the seas, and hit the western coast of all of the Americas in waves, but I am not the oracle on such topics, I am a humble student trying to draw my own conclusions based on growing knowledge of this vast and complicated topic."

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