
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Two Striking Serpents Again (Nonnewaug CT Cluster #3)

And a few more...

(Two Uktena pictograph from Painted Bluff)

Breached sometime after 1673, for carts or tractors, sheep or cows perhaps, the stones tossed aside:

Top: the "other side" of the above,
another row of stones begins...

Leads to this:
Opposite another Stone Snake:

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Two Old Roads (CT)

An old road - how old I don't know -
Qusukqaniyutôk on both sides, 
Sometimes a gateway to another road,
Qusukqaniyutôk on both sides.
An Uktena - like Great Snake
Protects those places...

Perhaps some tobacco
 burning in a shell
in a stone bowl 
keeps the Big Snake happy...

This is at two roadways, 
Old roadways  - how old I don't know -
Qusukqaniyutôk on both sides
Of both roadways
(by the letter "r" below:)
An older post about the same gateway:

Badpotato Photos

 One more day of antibiotic to go, I've been distracting myself from side effects and stress by looking back at badpotatoes, Flickr images by someone I know but have never met.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Outcrop Serpent Effigy 01 (Cockaponset)

3//2023 Added Images:
After finally noticing the Manitou Stones, reviewing the photos from that day, I find I didn't capture a closer image of them. I did follow the row of stones that "decorates" the ridge of bedrock, and stepped down, to the south, below to capture an image of another boulder that connected to the east/west:

Overlay, using bison-like horns:

Humanly Modified Outcrop resembling an Eastern Timber Rattlesnake, the snake that served as a model for a Great Horned Snake that figures highly in Indigenous Legends. The cracks in the outcrop have been filled in in places, "stacked" or "laid," or perhaps "wedged" in natural cracks in the stone, possibly with help by human hands to further enhance the image of a Great Serpent...

Cockaponset, Killingworth CT 
May 2016

Laugh if you like

  - but here's more, "hidden in plain sight:"

 Dr. Curtiss Hoffman had pointed out a similar but in no way identical Outcrop Serpent Head to me in New Haven County, noting rare possible/probable "cup marks" of various sizes - and a tiny petroform turtle in one of the Cupuoles. 

Identifying Snake Petroforms/Serpent "Stone Walls"