
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Returning (Everywhere)

Returning to a "site" where the Ceremonial Stone Landscape speaks, I hear something old and new each and every time. I see something I've seen and haven't seen before, I observe something I hadn't observed before, and I learn a little bit better that there's so much I don't and never will know...

The sun casts a shadow on a Stone and suddenly the Stone becomes much more than a Stone. A cloud casts a shadow and suddenly that Stone becomes something else, that's part of something else that's part of everything...

Standing by a Stone, I've watched the sun sets over another Stone on more than one Equinox but never on the Summer Solstice, just a glimmer through the trees and a million green leaves above a Standing Stone. It took a hundred or more visits to realize just where to stand to place myself in the middle of something that's part of something else that's part of everything...

1 comment:

  1. I live in the Southern tier of New York state. There are turtles everywhere in my yard. Can you please contact me. As I read your posts these stones have images on them in the day and when they are wet, and ecspecially when it's just getting dark.
