
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Very Large Houses Made of Stone

     Does this sound familiar to you?
     "Because of its sophistication and skilled masonry, many Europeans were reluctant to credit black Africans with building Great Zimbabwe, so they erroneously attributed the ruins to ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Egyptians and Phoenicians. Some believed that the Portuguese constructed the site shortly after they began to settle the continent and still others credited Arab and Chinese traders who made their way inland from the Swahili Coast.
     Yet, archaeological evidence reveals that Great Zimbabwe was, indeed, constructed by indigenous  black Africans," writes Erika Bisbocci at
“Zimbabwe” was first and foremost a word in Shona. The word can be broken down this way:  
Zi = a very large object | mba = houses | bwe = stone   
   It sounds familiar to me because all across the continent I am trapped on, I know the same was said (and still is said) about the earthworks and stone constructions of the Indigenous Peoples who lived here on Turtle Island - which often includes "dry stone walls." While in many other places archaeological evidence has confirmed that these constructions are of Indigenous origin, up here in the Northeast there is a great lack of any professional investigation which is very much held back by the assumption that the European Colonists (and their servants and slaves) are responsible for constructing just about every single stone concentration a person might come across, when in actuality, as Dr. Brian Jones writes, “New England was settled 13,000 years ago...(t)he post-colonial period in New England, from 1620 to the present, represents only 3% of this time span...97% of the (human) history of southern New England seems to be missing...”
CT State Archaeologist Brian Jones in:

     Pine Cone Johnny documented a walk somewhere along the Mohawk Trail and was moved to photograph a sign that illustrates that assumption about those stone concentrations that are referred to as Stone Walls, as if repeating an assumption makes it actually true:
     And yet he seems to be walking along a path far older than a mere 300 years:

Some other views to consider often come from Independent Researchers:
An essay from 2009:
Something from just a little while ago in 2017:

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