
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

We don’t know all the stories

We don’t know all the stories
  - I certainly don't -
But I have heard that
What you must do is
  Let the landscape speak for itself
As you pause and stand at
What you were told is the farmer’s cart path
By two big boulders at the gateway
   As you see the round bright white eye
Possibly polished into the boulder...
You listen to the landscape as you look to the other side
And you hear without any words:
You are standing at an entrance to a Sacred Place
Two Uktena with heads turned to look at you

As you enter that Sacred Place,
(And, remember, Every Place is a Sacred Place)
It’s only later that
The story comes to you:
Strong Looker knows what is in your head and heart...

The boulder that is Grandfather Turtle
Beaver’s footprints on the shell
Above the smaller stone that is the Turtle’s head
Suddenly silently speaks a Creation Story
That you remember hearing inside a Pow Wow circle
As Sacred Smoke rose while Trudie Lamb Richmond spoke...

The zigzag row of stones carefully made
      Becomes serpents entwined

The stone pile prayerfully stacked
     Holds a small turtle on its shoulder
As the landscape begins to speak for itself

As you begin to learn to listen...

Inspired by:


  1. This is beautiful! Thank you. :o) And Thank You for the link at the end.

  2. This is sacred. The landscape speaking through you to others in a rippling current.
