
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Adding Antlers Behind the Ulstĭtlĭ'

“The horns and crystal on the Uktena’s head are called ulstĭtlĭ', literally “it is on its head,” but when they are in the hands of the medicine person it becomes ulûñsû'tĭ, or “transparent.” So considered together, the changing names, and contexts for Uktena horns and crystals imply that the thoughts on the head of the snake became transparent to the person who possessed it (Page 10).”

The Socio-Economic and Ritual Contexts of Petroglyph Boulders in the Southeastern United States.

Johannes (Jannie) Loubser, PhD, RPA 

 Myths of the Cherokee - Page 459 - Google Books Result
James Mooney - 2012 - ‎Social Science

      "Myths of a jewel in the head of a serpent or of a toad are so common to all ... sometimes called the diamond ...the Ulun'su'ti, “Transparent,” the great talisman of the tribe."

"They have many beautiful stones of different colours, many of which, I am apt to believe, are of great value; but their superstition has always prevented their disposing of them to the traders, who have made many attempts to that purpose; but as they use them in their conjuring ceremonies, they believe their parting with them or bringing them from home, would prejudice their health or affairs. Among others there is one in the possession of a conjurer, remarkable for its brilliancy and beauty, but more so for the extraordinary manner in which it was found. It grew, if we may credit the Indians, on the head of a monstrous serpent, whose retreat was, by its brilliancy, discovered; but a great number of snakes attending him, he being, as I suppose by his diadem, of a superior rank among the serpents, made it dangerous to attack him. Many were the attempts made by the Indians, but all frustrated, till a fellow more bold than the rest, casing himself in leather, impenetrable to the bite of the serpent or his guards, and watching a convenient opportunity, surprised and killed him, tearing his jewel from his head, which the conjurer has kept hid for many years, in some place unknown to all but two women, who have teen offered large presents to betray it, but steadily refused, lest some signal judgment or mischance should follow. That such a stone exists, I believe, having seen many of great beauty; but I cannot think it would answer all the encomiums the Indians bestow upon it. The conjurer, I suppose, hatched the account of its discovery; I have however given it to the reader, as a specimen of an Indian story, many of which are much more surprising." Annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary ...

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