
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Winery Serpents - Clinton CT

(Palm Tree made of old wine cask parts)
    Travelling past the Madison Mastodon of yesterday's post and crossing the Clinton town line (not to be confused with the Hammonasset Line), I found myself wandering a vineyard with friends.
     Here's a place where you can see in action the somewhat haphazard method of stone wall (sort of ) building - even if it is just adding stones to an already existing "stone wall."
    And sure, if you follow along with most of what is "documented" or assumed about New England Stone Walls in your field guide, you might assume that there's no harm in that, just carrying on an old Yankee tradition of stone "tossing" and "field clearing."
But then the imaginative researcher just might look below the modern layers and look at the lowest and oldest, searching for some of those signs of Indigenous Iconography.
I found a spot relatively free of any obviously recently added stones...
        I look for more or less "matching" types of stones laid out in a row behind a larger stone that could be said to resemble the head of a snake, especially if I see the suggestion of an open or closed eye, either something that could be natural or even sometimes pecked or polished.
I found what I consider a good example in that little segment:
Top: the original photo; bottom: an enlargement and overlay.
Below - Further Fooling with the Paint Program:
Another segment:
And another:

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