
Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Revisiting a Photo Folder

    Even when you think you're taking your time sometimes as you photograph stone features, it's easy to miss something while concentrating on something else. I lifted some helpful advice from a mid-west effigy mounds preservation group, from a video taped conference. The speaker was talking about preservation strategies, recommended thinking and re-thinking many times before taking any action - and choosing to use your mound photos as your screen-saver. He said that sometimes seeing these images go randomly by will reveal things you didn't notice before...

    Well, I've tried that now for quite a long period of time (actually long before I saw that video but I fine tuned it from all my photos to just my photos of stonework), and I've got to say that I have been pleasantly surprised by the results. Not only do I see some details in a different perspective, sometimes I even notice something behind what I was focused on - like a serpent-like stone wall behind another.

   And then there are those photos that were destined for a Part Two (or Three or Four) that I never actually composed, even though I'd worked on some photos for it, overlays intended to draw attention to details that some people may not even notice but seem to stand out to me.

   One of these flew by this morning and it looked like this:
     It jogged my memory - and luckily I immediately recalled the location, although I had no idea of the date but that was easily found. But I was still unsure if I had actually posted this feature here on the blog. I looked at the Archive of my posts for those made around or just after the date and found:
Half Tide in a Sea of Ferns from May 2014. There were 30 photos on that post - and over 300 photos in the folder of photos from that day, so it's no wonder that more didn't make it on what should have been Part One.
      And then I remembered that I had accidentally saved the overlay photo twice, forever losing the original untouched one. May be I figured I'd just stroll back and take another - I had a out of focus distant shot of the feature as well that I figured I probably would retake - someday:
   I'm going to guess that this is some sort of a recent hunting blind, branches piled up on top of who knows what else is there, maybe some more interesting boulders, maybe some stones piled on them - I don't really remember, almost two years later - although I remember the mosquitoes and deer flies well. I messed up the un-enhanced photo as I said but here's the overlay of a suspected stone turtle that faces the stone wall bounded riparian zone of a stream below:
2021 edits:

   In the distance behind the stones and blind above is a High Place I eventually returned to in order to short cut back to my car, but first I crossed the zigzag border of that riparian zone, just to take a little look first, taking some out of focus photos of possible untended structures in places where the stream broke out among all the stones, sort of unsure if they were really there or not:

So I made my way to the High Place above, stone piles and interesting boulders along the way:

(Even revisited this boulder mortar up there:) 
(Some stone piles revisited as well:)

(Google Earth Capture with road names scribbled out to protect the innocent:) 
There is a good chunk of stonework, some obliterated by the wood road on the left, the old Indian Trail to New Haven that is now State Highway in this section of land on the right and the defunct railroad line across the bottom, some recorded in these posts:
And even the last four photos here:
And here, but I already mentioned it above:

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