
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Oldest Trails, Older Trails, and Old Trails In Among the New Trails (Part Two – An Older Trail)

 "To both see and observe: Therein lies the secret."
~ Sherlock Stones

    I looked up from the present Land Trust trail by the big stone wall (with the white quartz boulder at the beginning of the segment) and sort of causeway with a stone culvert and saw what could be an older trail bordered by stone rows:
    I observed the “blocky end” of the entrance on the left, the “wave” or undulation rising up and the layer of cap-like stones on the part most intact to the right as well as the obvious fallen stones that make it different from the other gateway that I walked through – not the one with the white boulder but the one that the path led to…
    But I also noticed that it is similar to that gateway because of the blocky stones on which the smaller stones were placed, creating a somewhat serpentine sort of construction – to an imaginative investigator that is. A mediocre investigator would perhaps just think that the fallen stones were evidence of all the stones that once were there at this beginning of the row. The imaginative investigator would wonder if the stones had been “borrowed,” making it more resemble a typical Euro-American wall perhaps, negative evidence that it more resembled the other more intact gate nearby, that a little imagination could convert into a Great Serpent (or Horned Serpent, depending on how much imagination the investigator had brought along):
    But that’s negative evidence, right? Well, sure – unless of course you were a conservator of antiquities of some sort perhaps, pondering the restoration of the object you were both seeing and observing.
Above: the segment just past the blocky end, and below: the next little “hump” or undulation.
 (I thought as I added the photo below: "Roller Coaster-like.")
Passing the doorway, glancing at the screensaver showing the image above, I find myself looking at the lower row with the big stone, wondering "Is this an eye?"
 And then I see another obvious eye on a boulder on the upper row (beside a white Manitou Stone) that I've missed:
New Composite Overlay:

    Stepping into the trail between the rows of stones:

A second look at the photo above:

       Another high spot in the lower row of the trail (above), which seems to suddenly disappear (I don’t even have an unscientific measurement), as does the upper row a little further on (below)…
     But you can see that farther on the upper is still intact (more or less), perhaps because the stones on fairly level ground were easier to steal - I mean "borrow" - and toss into a cart or truck or something:       

    And this row, and the old trail as well as the present maintained trail, leads to the place I was headed to, but the sound of chainsaws and heavy timber falling was getting louder as I approached.
Here three stone rows meet up and I thought I’d get a second look at the spot and catch a few better photos than I did in November 2014 (this one is good: Three Stone Rows and Big Oak):

To be continued…


  1. I have the sense that the wall you photographed seems to go out of its way to link up with existing boulders. Is that your impression?

  2. Not knowing how far down below the present soil level the wall actually goes, I'm not sure about the boulders. But I do know that at the end of this segment, which extends east/west, the perpendicular row begins on and follows a bedrock outcrop, parts of which are exposed.
