
Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Social media contributing to rock art vandalism (Utah)

"(Artist Jonathon) Bailey has noticed a disturbing trend. It used to be that he would find vandalism at three sites a year. Now, he says, he's finding it at as many as 10 sites annually. 
"It's really almost murder," he said, describing the damage he's found to petroglyph panels, rock shelters and other sensitive cultural sites. "You're killing something that's existed for thousands of years..."

   "...Mohsen acknowledges that online posts and social media are responsible for spreading the word about cultural sites that otherwise might rarely see visitors, but he said those posts also raise awareness about the need to protect these sites..Bailey shares Mohsen's hope that people will become more appreciative of Utah's prehistoric past. Until that happens, though, he wants people who find pristine cultural sites in remote areas to think before spreading word of their discovery online.
"The analogy I always use is don't give a site to anyone that you wouldn't give your credit card information to," he said.."

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