
Monday, March 23, 2015

Serpent Stacking - An Undulating Body on a Ridge of Bedrock

    Here’s another one you won’t find in your stone wall book: Serpent Stacking - artistically stacked stones that recall an Indigenous Mythical Being with many names from many different Indigenous People of Turtle Island. It's a sort of "vertical zigzag with a pattern of stacking that represents the curved back of a crawling snake, as well as scales."
     Glimpsed at a distance, you might think, "Now there's an anomolous sort of stone wall!" 
(A stone wall that is built "deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected, or perhaps abnormal, atypical, irregular, aberrant, exceptional, freak, freakish, odd, bizarre, peculiar, unusual, out of the ordinary; deviant, mutant" or, if wearing a tux or designer evening gown, the formal "heteroclite," according to the random thesarus website I looked at just now.)

(Both Sides Now - Above: looking east, below: looking west)

Can I find this on a LiDar Hillshade image? Well sort of:
I can see the ridges, but not the stones. The above images are of the eastern most edge of the ridge. The row to the west of it is serpenty too - exceptionally serpenty since I realized there was a head stone that doesn't require much imagination to see. I'll now dissolve into a flash back and take you to that stone wall I was following up out of the stream bed that flows into Cranberry Pond - at a meeting place of three different rows of stones:

I have to admit that I didn't see this as a Serpent until days later when I just happened to glance at my computer monitor in screen saver mode, my photo collection flashing by, when this photo suddenly appeared and the back ground became obvious (to me) as a Serpent: 
Another one you won't find in your stone wall book, temporarily named the Partially Bedrock, Boulder and Cobble Stone Composite Serpent Head:
(New overlay above added 1/25/2019)

(Are you wondering how old that tree is?) 

(The otherside, retouched and still blurry:)
Google up some images of snakeskins and you'll find stuff like this:

      For about the hundred thousanth time, I pause to think of this bit of propaganda entitled "Reasons and Considerations Touching the Lawfullness of Removing Out of England and into the Parts of America" by Robert Cushman written in 1621: (The Indians) "...were not industrious, neither have art, science, skill, or faculty to use either the land or commodities of it; but all spoils, rots, and is marred for want of manuring, gathering, ordering etc…(The Indians) do but run over the grass as do the foxes and wild beasts (Cited by Cronon "Changes in the Land" on page 56) ."
The whole thing in Google Books form: Remarkable Providences: Readings on Early American History edited by John Demos

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