
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Shoreline Greenway Trail Part 3

This one is bound to catch anyone's eye, of course. Who could look at this and not start to wonder about it? There's a nice thin "dish" of a stone, some cobbles sitting on it, another flat stone topping it off.
I guess if I was looking for a most testudinate view, I'd capture this photo:
In the above photo, you might also note the big flat stone this section of stone row rests upon.
It might even be the light colored blur that I've encircled in white here:

I might even grab that Virginia Creeper and even that poison ivy (foolishly barehanded but luckily unaffected) and try to get it out of the way the next day:

This one caught my eye, as an example of "atypical of Colonial Yankee Stone Fence construction methods you read about and see examples of." 
There were a couple small "eye catchers."  The one below was near the western end of that upper most row - where the row suddenly ends at what must have been an easy spot to start a little quarry for fill and possibly stones sometime since the 1630's I will guess, when those ‘Yengeese’ moved in after the Pequot Massacre. It's the brownish stone on the extreme right:
Closer still:
And finally, an actual in focus photo:
There's the color to consider, as well as the placement of the stone on the row, with that little "cup" that  was actually holding some water from that morning's rain shower. I think it was purposely placed like this and I really don't know if that depression is natural or humanly made, but sort of suspect that it might be a spot to place a clam shell with a tobacco mixture. 
This is looking down at it from above for the curious minded reader who might open this photo up in a new window and venture an educated guess:
(Notice I didn't venture a guess about what kind of stone it is and admit my ignorance of geology.)
There was another similar sort of eye catcher, back over by turtle with the black flecked feet on the opposite eastern side of the hill:

‘Yengeese’ note: I've been called a Yankee in the past, a guy from a State who's official State Song is (unknown to most CT residents) "Yankee Doodle." A random sample of people in an Ethic Studies sort of class once revealed that I was one out of thirty who who was aware of the possible Algonquin Language origin of the word - and knew the State Song. Here's one man's opinion on the etymology of the word in a magazine actually called Yankee magazine - and is not about baseball:

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