
Saturday, April 02, 2011

Cresent, Oval or Ridge-like and Sorta Round Mounds

Above: an oval shaped mound in my chickenyard, another round(ish) mound behind it...

(Peter Waksman 2011 Photo) reminds me of the photo of Peter's above that he desribes as having a ridge-like feel to it. Here they are in the snow:
There are several mounds in all, and a couple pertoform turtles as well. While some of it is covered in junk and dumped sand from a swimming pool excavation, I also wonder if stones weren't robbed from here over the last couple hundred years for other projects...

Two old aerial photos, 1967 above, 1934 below with some labels and existing Indian Stone Rows in red, and where remnants suggest stones were borrowed in yellow. Like the site Peter describes, a the chickenyard mounds were along a nexus of stone rows...

Looking east and downhill to the chickenyard on the far side of the barn, wondering if the row continued on the other side of the road, the zigzag rows of the 1934 photos suggesting an Indian Trail...

And then looking uphill toward the junction of the stone row in the foreground, a very large zigzag remnant, behind which sits the four foot long box turtle petroform...

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