
Friday, April 15, 2011


Looking for stones that make up the end of the Serpent's tail, I found a zigzag segment I'd walked by 100 times before without noticing:
Bloodroot was blossoming around those stones...

"Other Names: Red puccoon, red Indian paint, Red Root

& Use

Native Americans called this plant "Musquaspenne." It was used to dye their skin red when mixed with animal fat. Native Americans used Bloodroot to treat burns, induce vomiting, for sore throat and other medicinal uses. Sanguinaria comes from the latin term "sanguis" which means red blood in reference to the red sap from the plant's rhizome.

Sanguinarine, the active component of this herb has been used as an expectorant (makes people cough) and in anti-plaque agent in mouthwash and toothpaste. One ingredient of this herb is protopine, which is found in opium. Bloodroot is also a poppy plant but does not alter mind activity like opium.

Currently, this herb is used as a cavity fighter, to reduce tooth decay and periodontal disease and is also known for its powerful antibiotic and antibacterial properties in reducing microbial infections. Homeopathic practitioners use this herb for migraines, skin cancer, cough remedies, hepatitis, and digestive disturbances. Bloodroot can be found in parts of North America."

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