
Sunday, April 24, 2011


Above: stone on boulder beyond stone row.

Below: two effigy-like stones on boulder above another stone row.

Circle of stones on stone row with possible head stone of something in center:

Undisclosed location
in Litchfield County (NW CT).

Below: Modern trail along ancient stone row.


Looking for stones that make up the end of the Serpent's tail, I found a zigzag segment I'd walked by 100 times before without noticing:
Bloodroot was blossoming around those stones...

"Other Names: Red puccoon, red Indian paint, Red Root

& Use

Native Americans called this plant "Musquaspenne." It was used to dye their skin red when mixed with animal fat. Native Americans used Bloodroot to treat burns, induce vomiting, for sore throat and other medicinal uses. Sanguinaria comes from the latin term "sanguis" which means red blood in reference to the red sap from the plant's rhizome.

Sanguinarine, the active component of this herb has been used as an expectorant (makes people cough) and in anti-plaque agent in mouthwash and toothpaste. One ingredient of this herb is protopine, which is found in opium. Bloodroot is also a poppy plant but does not alter mind activity like opium.

Currently, this herb is used as a cavity fighter, to reduce tooth decay and periodontal disease and is also known for its powerful antibiotic and antibacterial properties in reducing microbial infections. Homeopathic practitioners use this herb for migraines, skin cancer, cough remedies, hepatitis, and digestive disturbances. Bloodroot can be found in parts of North America."

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Turtle Next Door

At the house next door to mine, there is a similar spot to behind my old chicken coop where "stuff got dumped" on top of piles of stones. This is at the swampy edge of a place where water flows out of the ground in many places that might have been stone worked springs. These days a stream now flows thru a metal pipe and down into a pond...

This is one boulder that kinda stands out,

some other stones placed just so giving it a rather testudinate petroform feel...

Now take a look here at Larry's photo from Hell Hollow:

See any resemblence?

More Outlines of Stone Mounds in the Melting Snow

An out of place folder, from the first day of the year (2011) had some photos of the mounds in my chicken yard and the stones at the junction of a linear row (that perhaps once connected to the mounds) and a zigzag row that perhaps was at the edge of the Indian Trail, now CT Route 61, and a mast forest resource zone. The boulder is the box turtle petroform I call "Turtle One."
Eastern-most Mounds:

The lower of the two:

The Upper:

Upper-most Mound

Across the highway:

Carapace Stone of Turtle One:

The Nuchal Notch with head stone buried in snow, just visible:

I recall that these two seemed face-like that day:

A mortar-like boulder in the zigzag row:

Back to the upper most mound: