
Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Little Roadside/Indian Trail Turtle

1934 Aerial Photo: present day property lines added (above), mostly difined by stone rows.

The yellow dot on the 1934 aerial photograph is a large boulder on a zigzag row of stones. The red rectangle is the original tractor shed that was expanded into a cow barn sometime after 1965 since it appears unchanged on the next available aerial photo available online at the Connecticut State Library.
There is an area bulldozed into the hillside, a place to park the hay wagon and unload it into the loft, on the south side of the barn. It looks as if there once was a stone row there where the cow barn now stands and, south of the cut, the stone row remains today.

Above: Looking south east across the present day road, an "Indian trail."
Below: Looking south west, from the road, by the southern edge of the "cut" in the hillside.

Above: the large boulder perched on the zigzag row.
Below:  the Little Turtle by the roots of a maple tree.

Below: a light colored stone in the dark humus from below the others...

Above: "found" position.
Below: reconstruction trials, matching edges and finding a stable position.

Above and below: the numbers.

(nice quartz toenails/claws)

Little Turtle in the rain on Sunday October 24, 2010

Another interesting concentration of stones of a suggestive, similar Testudnate nature.
You never know what you are seeing until you learn exactly what you are seeing - or something like that...

A "just a little bit bigger turtle" a few inches away?
Step back a little and maybe those are more turtles, assigning a culture to the construction of this "stone wall."

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