
Saturday, September 06, 2008


Walking up to the Falls, after being away for some Summer Camping (where one night we even all sang that old song called "Signs" from the early 70's that we were surprised the "Grandchildren Generation" knew the lyrics), my wife Roberta and I were happy to see how clean the area is. We've both been going up there for most of our lives, hauling trash out and wondering why people do stuff like litter and break bottles etc.
We noticed there were many New Signs everywhere, like the one above, and also these:

There's even a "You are Here" - that should read "You are NOT Here," because you aren't right there. We need some Boy or Girl Scouts to correct this...
Note that this standard list of Town Park rules mentions "no...nailing or attaching to any tree...any bill...or inscription whatsoever."

And here's one more sign, nailed on one of those Ancient Trees I wrote about as possible Treaty Trees or Peace Trees in an Older Post. (
That is Poison Ivy.
Maybe it protects this Tree that Native People planted 300-plus years ago.
I lost count of how many signs were nailed to trees up there.
Some people should follow their own rules; there are many reasons not to put a nail in a tree...

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Try here: Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs:
