
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

End Stones

Something I see a lot is a large "End Stone," along many stone rows, very often where a linear dryland row gets close to water.

This is an end stone at the "easiest to get to party site," the row taken apart to build a fire circle into which people feel obligated to throw beer cans and smash bottles, chop down living trees - or carve words into them- strew garbage, toilet paper and otherwise vandalise a well known Sacred Site - on Town property.

North of the party site, along the stone row, people routinly drive ATVs over this ancient row....

This row connects the Falls to two large oak trees, more about these to come in a future post. I seem to remember measuring the larger oak tree as being 12ft in diameter at chest hieght about 15 years ago...

There's another popular party and trash site where another linear rows ends with another large End Stone...

There's a four foot long carapace stone right along side of the end stone, but again people rob the stones to build fire pits into which the bottles and cans are thrown...

So my Monday walk brought me farther upstream to a place I hadn't been back to in a long time, where I'd forgotten yet another End Stone. This one meets up with a zigzag row that borders the brook's east branch...

The linear row has a slight curve to the end stone, just after being linked to the zigzag row which is to the left in the photo...

I have a series of blurry photos because I forgot my reading glasses and can't see the screen on the camera...

But the big surprise was the beak motif on one of the "point stones" on the zigzag row.

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