
Saturday, April 07, 2007

Oldest Stone Circle

Olduvai Gorge: Showcase of Early Man's Technology

Boyce Rensberger

"One of the most remarkable clues to the life style of early man at Olduvai is a circle of stones that Mary Leakey considers to be the remains of a hut of branches anchored at the base by the stones. It is about 14 feet in diameter and, at about 1.8 million years, is the oldest known man-made structure. No others like it are known. This is a plan of the excavation that also revealed a living floor with stone tools and bones of animals killed for food..."


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  2. Dear alex,
    Thanks for the comment - and your concerns. I am presently trying to stay "drug free."
    Most people who read or otherwise hear about my native american stone work ideas usually just ask "How many time s have you seen the Grateful Dead."
