
Monday, March 26, 2007

Some more Weir stuff

"In Nova Scotia, Meadowood sites and materials are known almost exclusively from the southwestern part of the province. Meadowood style projectile points have been identified on Lake Kejimkujik and the short section of the Mersey River conecting this lake and Lake Rossignol (Ferguson 1986). The Eel Weir complex is a group of sites associated with a series of triangular-shaped, stone fish weir bases along the Mersey River. These weirs are believed to have been used to capture eels in the fall and gaspereau in the spring. At Eel Weir Site 6, five Meadowood style points were recovered. Similar points have been recovered at the Merrymakedge site, which is a multicomponet site at the north end of Lake Kejimkujik."

"This sign on the main street of Concord marks where the original Bulkeley dam and mill were located. Before settlement by white men this was the location of an Indian fishing weir. "

"...Rufus gave us an old map hand-drawn on disintegrating paper which showed the location of the Indian weir at the foot of our hill, and also a village and burial ground on the Sudbury side near what is now called Pantry Brook . Old Oxbow Road and our present driveway was labeled "Weir Meadow Path" and connected to the old Indian path that followed the esker ridge and is now called Castle Hill Road, a favorite bridle path for our daughters. It was the main north-south road before Concord Road (route 126) was built. A contemporary map in the Concord Antiquarian Society museum shows a long-house near what is now the Macone’s gravel operation. Shirley Blonke, an archeology student at BU did some spot digging and found many charred fireplace stones and stake holes. We also found many artifacts. Quartz bird points for arrows, larger flint and slate deer points for arrows and lances, mortar-and-pestle stones for grinding acorns into flour, a stone for sharpening arrow points, and many charred fireplace stones. Whatever pottery shards we found were clearly white man’s. Local Indians must have cooked in baskets, using hot stones..."

The Roanoke Island Fishing Weir

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