
Monday, July 10, 2006

Waking Up In July '06

Here's a place I've been spending time gardening for over 25 years.

Not all that time, of course, but for small periods of time now and again, is what I mean.

The very first time I ever did any weeding ( or perhaps I was just admiring the Narcissus or something,) I realized that there was a large piece of a zigzag stonework in front of my eyes.

I remember thinking that someone spent alot of time moving these stones around to create a Rock Garden, little realising just how much stonework I'd eventually find.

In the Rock Garden there are several rather testudinate boulders.
Lost in a computer crash are the photos of “excavating” two possible Turtle feet that I found in front of the boulder closest to the wooden steps in this photo.

I don't remember why I was moved to excavation, but I was sure those feet would be there.
I removed the leaves and cut the myrtle vines, taking photos every so often.

I removed myrtle to transplant, eventually exposed the two feet, brushed them off, etc.

I had a stone I found 200 feet away uphill, at another zigzag stone row.

The stone had rolled down into the road and I picked it up years ago.

I thought it might be a turtle head, with a small depression in it for a clam shell, similar to a feature of another petroform (The Bear @ neara).

I didn't know what else to do with it, so I added it to the Turtle With Feet so it wouldn't be a headless Turtle...


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