
Thursday, July 20, 2006

One isn't Good, But Two is Better

“Histories, like Cothren’s,” the archeologist said to me, “Are what we call “Grandfather Stories – they may or may not be true.” He stirred his coffee and went on to tell me about empirical evidence, excavation of mounds with no bones inside them, and about repeated patterns being the basis of Archeology...

I pasted that in from Rock Piles Tuesday, February 28, 2006 and was thinking about that...

The same guy told me that a single rock that looks like anything - a turtle or bear or Elvis- means nothing, but more than one turtle rock or Elvis or the faces on Easter Island made the same way, out of the same stone, facing the same way etc. does mean something and is that repeated pattern that is the basis of Archeology...

So this one doesn't mean much alone, I guess...

But the second one adds some "empirical evidence..."

Both made the same way, both made out of the same sort of granite with the same diagonal quartz vien, both facing the summer sunrise...

You'll have to click on the picture below to see the labels clearly...


  1. I don't remember your mentioning a "diagonal quartz vein" I have been going on about that for several years. I am so glad someone else finally mentioned it. I even have a theory about the quartz. Do you?

  2. From big stones to little ones, there's a diagonal line theme that I have no idea "why."

    What's your theory?
