
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Crying Out for Rocky Woods

Metacomet's  Manitou Hussunash -  or "King Philip's Cave"
Photo – Sera Bray
"Then the solar company came with chainsaws and shovels
And they tortured the timber and stripped all the land

Well, they drilled for their footings till the land was forsaken
Then they wrote it all down as the progress of man.

With apologies to John Prine (Paradise)

   When Cora Pierce writes, and posts photos documenting the Ethnic Cleansing of a Sacred Site in East Freetown MA, stating that "Burrego Solar Farm with a 20 year lease... they flagged all the “ Culturally Significant “ areas, after they clear cut & graded Rocky Woods. The Vernal pools are destroyed and all the culverts they put in were useless. It is Shameful that they destroyed such a significant Ceremonial Landscape for the almighty dollar... yes, the things I loose sleep over..." I know exactly what she means, how she feels, even if I am not of Indigenous descent as Cora is.
    And I'll ask once again, daring to use the term Ethnic Cleansing when I ask, "How is this not Ethnic Cleansing?"
     I was going to say, "I don't mean to be harsh," but actually I do.
     I'll add that the term was first coined in 1991 (about when began exploring probable Indigenous stonework around one of two historically known Pootatuck Villages), but that practice began long ago in Human History and it arrived on the shores of what is now known as Massachusetts in 1620. 
     When it ends is anybody's guess...

"Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or racial groups from a given territory by a more powerful ethnic group, often with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneous.[1][page needed] The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportationpopulation transfer), intimidation, as well as genocide and genocidal rape.
Ethnic cleansing is usually accompanied with efforts to remove physical and cultural evidence of the targeted group in the territory through the destruction of homes, social centers, farms, and infrastructure, and by the desecration of monuments, cemeteries, and places of worship."

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Pristine Myth

Charles C. Mann, the author of  "1491," talks about the thriving and sophisticated Indian landscape of the pre-Columbus Americas
"What is clear from oral history accounts is that Europeans who arrived early on found busy, thriving societies. When John Smith visited Massachusetts in 1614, he wrote that the land was "so planted with Gardens and Corne fields, and so well inhabited with a goodly, strong and well proportioned people ... [that] I would rather live here than any where." But by the time the colonists reached Plymouth in the Mayflower six years later, they found one deserted village after another—the Indians had been felled by European diseases to which they had little resistance. Mann writes,
All through the coastal forest the Indians had "died on heapes, as they lay in their houses," the English trader Thomas Morton noted. "And the bones and skulls upon the severall places of their habitations made such a spectacle" that to Morton the Massachusetts woods seemed to be "a new found Golgotha"—the hill of executions in Roman Jerusalem.
The debate over how many Indians lived in the Americas will perhaps never be settled—there is too little archaeological evidence..."

     Perhaps decolonizing the Stone Wall Myth might change that thought about "too little archaeological evidence." Recognizing the Sacred Ceremonial Stone Landscape of the eastern gate of Turtle Island is a first step to understanding that these "stone walls" are the largest pieces of archaeological evidence, long misidentified, but in plain sight, snaking across the scarred landscape, watching...

Monday, August 13, 2018

Snaking Thru the Salt Marsh

Madison CT, a couple years ago:

Snaking back up the hill...

Tobacco for the Diamondback

Monday, August 06, 2018

No Longer Snaking Along the Blueberries

Qá qusuqaniyutôk nohkshô: “And the stone wall was broken.”

   Prov. 24:31, Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God (“Eliot Indian Bible”)

 And I'll ask once again, daring to use the term Ethnic Cleansing when I ask,
 "How is this not Ethnic Cleansing?"

"Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or racial groups from a given territory by a more powerful ethnic group, often with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneousThe forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportationpopulation transfer), intimidation, as well as genocide and genocidal rape.
Ethnic cleansing is usually accompanied with efforts to remove physical and cultural evidence of the targeted group in the territory through the destruction of homes, social centers, farms, and infrastructure,
 and by the desecration of monuments, cemeteries, and places of worship."

The simple answer seemed to be related to the blueberries, Indigenous burning and protective Serpentine Rows of Stones:

The Landscape has changed as those power lines were replaced,
erasing the Ceremonial Stone Landscape, creating a fresh scar of crushed stone...